Monday, July 7, 2008

Greetings from down south


Well this is my assigned month for the blog update and I feared if I had nothing on this thing I would get a beat down from Blake.jk As many of you may know I am currently a beverage cart girl at the local golf course, Deerwood Country Club. This has in many ways been the dream job to have for my summer here in Texas. I have gotten to know many of the regulars and I can honestly say I enjoy going into work. Besides work, I enjoy playing pool and sand volleyball.

During this summer we have had some interesting creatures break into the Beaman house. We were hearing noises above our activity room so my dad put a trap in our attic which connects to the roof of the room. The next morning we found a full grown raccoon in our trap. So we took it 5 miles away (cause that’s what you are suppose to do so they wont find their way back) and were hopeful that this catch would be the end to our troubles. No such luck. That same day we heard crawling and scratching noises in the same room. Come to find out our first catch was a mother of five baby coons. So we gradually caught them all baiting them with sardines and tuna. We had to take care of them (fed them each night) for a while until a lady who has a farm of them came a got them. My grandparents who live a few streets over had a pair of wild cats have kittens in their backyard and they are still living there and growing and growing by the day. LOL they will not leave because my grandma keeps feeding them. I have a favorite kitten that I want to keep and have tamed it to let me hold her. Wish the apartments allowed animals

Well ladies I just want yall to know how much I am looking forward to coming back in August and finishing out my senior year. I could not pick a better bunch to spend it with. At the course I am constantly bragging about what a great group of girls yall are and have many of them looking at the website and learning all about the Utah Valley women's basketball team.

I know many are concerned with Jordyn and her status right now with the surgery. She does not have access to a computer right now but I told her I was going to put a message on the team blog. She is currently only allowed to walk and bike. No twisting movements or running yet. Her biggest challenge right now is gradually getting takin off the pain pills. Because she was taking them for so long before even the surgery it is very difficult to get off of them, but she is doing great. She appreciates all your support and is very excited to return back in August.

I have nothing too exciting left to tell but I love you guys and hope you all are enjoying your summers!


Utah Valley Women's Basketball said...

Thanks so much for your blog Hollie ... glad to see you are doing well! Those pics are too cute! Miss you tons! ~Lauren!

Utah Valley Women's Basketball said...

BIG NASTY! lol i knew that "friendly" little email was jsut the kick in the pants everyone needed to get this thing rolling! Thanks so much for writing i loved reading it and could imagine you tellin me! i miss you so much and all your stories too! can't wait to see ya and laugh with you again! Oh and my toe nails could really use a nice touch up :) thanks for the update with jordyn too! i'm glad things are going well! can't wait to see you!

Rebekah said...

what a fun update...yeah, yeah, i know im not on the team anymore, but whatev! i still got to read up on my glad you're doing well...and of course your dad was able to catch all those raccoons! love you! Rebekah